Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rock and Water

This year Room 8 has been lucky to be involved in the Rock and Water program with Master Tim and Master Nathan on Wednesday afternoons. We have been learning how to be grounded and behave around bullies.
Part of being grounded involves relaxation and visualisation, this is a video of us visualising the beach and waves crashing at our feet.
Stay posted for more Rock and Water videos.....


  1. Hi Room 8 Superstars. Can you tell me how you have used some of the things you have learnt in Rock & Water during Recess and lunch.

  2. Hi Ms Samson,
    We have learnt if somebody bullies you just relax and walk away.If there is a teacher on duty just tell (him,her) and they will get in trouble. We have learnt to use the 'beach' walk to walk away from bullies.
    Thanks for responding keep checking our blog for more news on Rock and Water.
    thanks Andy
