Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Our thoughts about The Witches

This term we have been reading 'The Witches' by Roald Dahl as a class. We have enjoyed listening to Miss Gillis reading this book because it is really funny and we enjoy hearing about those horrible witches!

I like it when the witches turned the boy into a mouse.I also like when
someone came and the boy had to climb up to the top of the tree. Adam M

The part that l like was when the mouse walk the tight rope,
and also when the which took the mask off it sounded gross. Tanner C

I like the part where when the boy's grandma tells him
about the witches. When it was the part when the boy's were stuck in the room with all the
witches. I wondered if the boy and Bruno will be caught those mean witches. Vaishnavi

In the book The Witches I liked how the boy Bruno kept on eating food. I
also liked how the witches can't pronounce the words properly and when the
grandma said that the witches have no toes, are wearing are wigs, have
blue spit and they have eyes that change colours which was very weird. Tien

The Witches book was awesome and a little
scary.The Witches book had really good drawing and writing. Andy

I liked bit when the grand high witch tried to turn the boy to a mouse
and she did turn him into a mouse. Then the boy ran away where Bruno was then they
went to grandma. Andrew

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rock and Water

This year Room 8 has been lucky to be involved in the Rock and Water program with Master Tim and Master Nathan on Wednesday afternoons. We have been learning how to be grounded and behave around bullies.
Part of being grounded involves relaxation and visualisation, this is a video of us visualising the beach and waves crashing at our feet.
Stay posted for more Rock and Water videos.....